

Notes from UXLX Gamestorming workshop taught by Dave Gray


Gamestorming is about keeping energy levels up during meetings to get great results. Can be used with teams, clients, users (participatory design), and more. See related book and iPhone app.

The workshop was a mix of theory and interactive examples that taught us several Gamestorming methods in a hands-on way.

Icebreaker: introducing ourselves by making our “trading cards”



Improv: Get into partners. Partner 1 describes her dream house. As she describes each detail, Partner 2 says “yes but…” to everything Partner 1 said. After 5 minutes, Partner 2 now has to say “yes and…” to everything Partner 1 says.

Notice the difference? Need to help people get to the “yes and…” and listen before judging. You dont need to necessarily agree. You just need to understand where the other person is coming from

Elements of gamestorming:


  • Sparks: exciting things that get people going. Ex: asking "what is a project that you’re really excited about right now?“ can ignite the initial energy of the team
  • Boards: the space. Can think of the room as a game board, where people are pieces in the game. 90% of things you can do to make a meeting better is stuff you can do before (prep right materials, right room). You’re setting the space and stage in which things happen
  • Pieces: The things that are moved around (ex: post its) These help people focus on the important things because they no longer have to hold everything in their head. Consider: chess masters can play chess without a board because they can hold everything in their head, but most people can’t. So provide the board and the pieces!
  • Time: Think about what is going on. People will get involved but unless you can keep things moving you might not get everything out that you want
  • Choices: Decisions need to be made, so you need to facilitate decision making
  • Chance: Creating serendipity and random chance can help people to get to know each other (ex: trading card game, world cafe game)
  • Making: creating, sketching, drawing, ideas


Everyone can draw!

People are more engaged and have better ideas when they’re drawing themselves.

Can educate people how to draw using the "visual alphabet” - 12 simple symbols that you can use to draw anything. It’s not about teaching people to draw. It’s about giving them permission to draw!



Visual Frameworks



Visioning Exercise




Empathy Map Exercise



6-8-5 Brainstorming


More techniques to try:








You can learn more about Gamestorming on the Gamestorming website.

Collaborating to Improve Performance

A colleague recently asked me: “Can we influence coding decisions or technology investments with some amount of UX prioritization around performance?”

It’s a great question for UX designers because yes, performance can make or break a delightful customer experience. Here’s how our team built an app with great performance:

Our team sees the user experience as a shared responsibility. Of course, this includes having great performance.

When our team was first starting out, the UX team had a seat at the table to ensure that we chose a platform that would allow us to create a great user experience. Performance was absolutely part of that discussion and that’s continued as we’ve made other tech decisions.

We work very collaboratively. I review my designs with my other teammates frequently, often multiple times a day. The engineers have all sorts of questions about the save model, when things are cached, desired behavior when the app crashes, what to display while information is loading, etc. Then we’ll brainstorm and decide upon the right approach for a given situation, and I’ll document the decision for future reference.

I also make myself highly available to the engineers as they implement the UI. I’m often answering emails and chat messages to clarify things, such as what should happen in an unanticipated edge case. Or I’m sitting next to an engineer and we’re trying out a few different animation options to see what feels right on a device.

I’m a big believer in this type of collaboration: I find that it takes me much less time to create a spec that helps the engineers build out what I’m envisioning. On the engineering side, we have far fewer UX bugs which means we can spend more time charging ahead.

Having a highly collaborative team also allows us to solve problems more effectively. When it comes to creating better app performance, here are just a few of our design/engineering approaches:

  • Interaction workflow tweaks
  • Adding “loading” screens
  • Changing how we export assets
  • Changing save/cache state
  • Loading things in the background before they are needed
  • Moving user to a new screen and loading in info piece by piece
  • Various back-end improvements

And why stop at improving app performance?

Collaboration is our greatest tool for crafting delightful user experiences.